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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ohhhhh Great??????

So the wife and I went in for our 18 week appointment and we had something interesting happen. The doc was out of the office so the nurse did the appointment for us. We were looking at the ultrasound and she said, "Do you want to know what you are having?" We told her we had gone to Fetal Fotos a few weeks back and found out it was a boy. "Really?" she replied, "I am not seeing any "boy parts" here." She went on to say that she is not an ultrasonographer, so she said she wasn't sure about it and we would just have to wait until our 20 week appointment for our in depth ultrasound with the ultrasonographer. So now we are just left hanging for a few more weeks to find out for sure what we are having. The good thing is that we didn't order the boy baby bedding or paint the baby room yet. We are still thinking that it is a boy, but can't help to wonder if maybe the first ultrasound prediction was wrong??? Either way, the baby is looking healthy and that is all we really care about!!! I will let you know in a few weeks.